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The Coincidences project

Whenever you get to the end of a feature film, there is always a part which reads something like this:    The characters in this teleplay are fictitious. Any similarity between actual persons, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental... etc   This in…

Whenever you get to the end of a feature film, there is always a part which reads something like this:

The characters in this teleplay are fictitious. Any similarity between actual persons, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental... etc

This indicates that the film companies are unsettled by the fact that people can sometimes look like other people; even if they are entirely made up, as the tone of the statement reveals, any apparent resemblance could lead to an image rights problem or something similar. However, it also indicates that any said producer is unwilling take responsibility for a pure coincidence. If, as many think, a coincidence is just a coincidence, then this brings up some interesting questions about falsity and characterisation.

Surely you must look like someone in a film somewhere? Is everything a coincidence? It just depends on where you are and who you're talking to etc? Is something still coincidental even if it's staged?

Overall, this project is about the last question. I think it would be interesting to fabricate exactly what the film people have warned against and provide 'evidence' of yourself as being that coincidental resemblance.

How to take part:

I would like you to take a photograph/record a short clip of a scene that you've made up .

It could be any film genre; thriller, comedy, period drama, sports...

Dress up

Use props

Do a group shot

Go on location

Make sure you’re in it

As long as the image could credibly pass as being from a random film

DON’T simply re-create something you've already seen however. It would, ironically, shatter the illusion of whether you are a coincidence or not. -----------------------------------------------------

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