Artist Statement
Detail from “14 Exposures”
I am currently producing series of paintings on polythene about large, European football clubs. The work that preceded it was a sculptural piece representing consumerism, waste product and time. My work is interdisciplinary because it is conceptually driven; the importance of its context defines the physical material and as a result, each piece differs from the last. There are however some common factors; they are all medium to large in scale, aesthetically modernist/post modernist and often involve repetitive or systematic actions.
The sharp and colourful style present in most flat pieces crosses over from my involvement in graphic design. In fact, I see the majority of thought processes behind conceptual art and graphics as being fairly interchangeable, simply because they both target ‘everyday’ human behaviour for whatever end.
Neo-Dadaism, metaphysics, psycho-geography and the internet are frequent starting points for my work, as well as an ongoing interest in late 60s and 70s Conceptual Art. The artists on heavy repeat these days include John Baldessari, Franco Guerzoni and Alighiero Boetti.